採用MPF Drive 中置馬達電機系統的各式品牌電動輔助自行車!
Want to try and experiece our products ? No problem , please come to our stores and dealer shop to enjoy the extraordinary experience of our products.
We have seasoned and experience technical support staff , they are equipped with the modern hand-held device and communication technology tools , providing the best in class product technicall support.
We provide different product warrenty according the classification and operation demand to ensure customer satisfication.
You can order our products on the major on-line shopping platform.
06/25 - 06/28, 2020, Kaohsiung
✔ 展出日期:2020年6月25日(星期四)-6月28日(星期日)
✔ 展出時間:10:00-18:00
✔ 展出地點:高雄市前鎮區成功二路39號
10/16 - 10/18, 2019, 台中
✔ TBW is the most important trade show in the bicycle industry.
✔ Its unique format allows quality face to face time between buyers and suppliers.
✔ All this takes place inside five star hotels so you can work, sleep and play all in one location without the hassle of trekking in and out of an exhibition center. TBW is run by industry and is completely non-profit.
資料來源: 「2020 高雄嬰兒與孕媽咪用品展」 「2019 台北國際自行車展」